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Rohingya Refugees Stranded Stumped Show Urgent Need For Regional Response Become


The Bangladesh authorities should rescue and welcome Rohingya refugees currently stranded stumped, Amnesty International said today. Other governments must fulfill their shared responsibility to hold out search and rescue efforts, in line with their international obligations to guard life, and permit safe disembarkation of refugees and asylum seekers stumped.

Two fishing trawlers carrying an estimated 500 Rohingya women, men and youngsters are currently within the Bay of Bengal after being pushed away by Malaysia, which has imposed restrictions on all boats in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The 2 trawlers are headed towards Bangladesh every week after an earlier vessel carrying nearly 400 Rohingya refugees arrived there on 15 April. Monitors also believe there might be another vessel still stumped with hundreds more Rohingya stranded, further highlighting the necessity for governments within the region to urge involved in search and rescue operations if needed.

“In contrast to the cruel indifference demonstrated by other governments, who have actively pushed away boats, Bangladesh has maintained its positive record of giving sanctuary to people that have lost their homes and suffered horrific crimes,” said Biraj Patnaik, South Asia Director at Amnesty International.

Rohingya Refugees Stranded Stumped Show Urgent Need For Regional Response Become

“We hope that Bangladesh will still welcome Rohingya refugees in these difficult times. The international community has an obligation to assist the Bangladeshi authorities during this task, including in supporting efforts to line up quarantine centres and supply refugees the immediate medical assistance they require to get over the journey and to guard them against the spread of the COVID-19 virus.”

Amnesty International last week called on Southeast Asian governments to launch immediate search and rescue operations for potentially hundreds more Rohingya refugees languishing stumped.

Malaysia has actively brought one vessel to shore but launched aggressive military patrols to scare others with Rohingya refugees away while Thailand has remained silent about the growing crisis, not saying whether it's pushed back boats or if it'll assist any boats carrying refugees found near its coast.

The situation revives troubling memories of the 2015 Andaman Sea crisis when an untold number of Rohingya people weren't rescued and hundreds lost their lives.

In February 2020, the Taskforce on the Bali Process – including the participation of Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia and Myanmar – “emphasized the primacy of saving lives stumped and not endangering the life and safety of persons in responding to irregular maritime migration.”

The COVID-19 pandemic, Amnesty International said, can't be a pretext for governments to abandon their responsibilities towards refugees.

All countries within the region have a responsibility to make sure the seas don't become graveyards for people seeking safety. Bangladesh can't be left to deal with this example alone.

“All countries within the region have a responsibility to make sure the seas don't become graveyards for people seeking safety. Bangladesh can't be left to deal with this example alone. The very fact that it's upholding its own obligations isn't an excuse for others to abandon theirs,” said Biraj Patnaik.

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