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Ratan Tata’s Motivational Speech | Most Inspiring Quotes by Ratan Tata

Ratan Tata’s Motivational Speech | Most Inspiring Quotes by Ratan Tata

Shri Ratan Naval Tata (born: 28 December 1937 in Surat, Gujarat, India) the previous chairman of the Tata Group isn't only a successful businessman but more importantly a scholar with human values. He’s a person with the versatile personality and down-to-earth nature. This is often a rare combination you'll see.

Ratan Tata was invited by Rajarambapu Institute of Technology on the occasion of first graduation ceremony, where he shared words of wisdom with the graduates. His very small speech is certainly an honest source of inspiration.

As Mr. Tata’s speech is out there on YouTube, everyone can watch an equivalent. Here we represent the summary of the speech supported our personal assessment of an equivalent.

Ratan Tata’s Motivational Speech | Most Inspiring Quotes by Ratan Tata
Ratan Tata’s Motivational Speech | Most Inspiring Quotes by Ratan Tata
  • You are those who won't only make your own destiny but have a say within the entire country’s destiny.
  • Don’t consider that you simply are getting to the important world with the degree you've got as a privilege, but think that you simply are beginning of a protected environment of the school to the planet of challenges.
  • You have to stay learning and listening throughout.
  • When people say this can’t be done, it’s your job to get rid of that myth, and obtain it done.
  • Look at the successful companies round the world. They’re made realities by the people in whose mind the ideas are born. They weren't having infrastructure ready for them. Be it MicroSoft or Apple or Amazon or Google or FaceBook, if the founders though this can’t be done, it couldn’t are started.
  • Make sure to stay the moral values along with during your journey.
  • You can make a difference if you've got a desire to try to so.
  • Don’t speak much about your word but rather do the work which represent you.
  • You got the privilege of education and it’s your responsibility to return something to the society.
  • Don’t count your success on the bottom of your personal material achievement but once you return to home at the top of the day, you ought to feel satisfied that you’ve done something good.
  • We have failures and setbacks but the commitment towards the work can pay at the top.

Indeed, an excellent source of inspiration. What you think that about this commencement speech. You’ll share your thoughts via comments below. And yes, don't forget to share this nice words of wisdom together with your friends and relatives over various social networks.


Ratan Tata's Most Inspiring Quotes

Ratan Tata is undoubtedly the king of India’s corporate world. Together with his impeccable business skills, he transformed Tata Group from a national brand to a world corporate empire. He’s currently the Chairman emeritus of the Group. Time and again in his interviews and motivational speeches, he gives some invaluable advice. Here may be a list of 5 such timeless pieces of recommendation by the 81 year old industrialist. 

1) About Mindset

“None can destroy iron but its own rust can! Likewise, none can destroy an individual but his own mindset can.”

With this quote, he made it clear to the world—a person with the proper quite mindset can reach great heights in life. Be it your habits, convictions, beliefs or attitude, only you'll make or break your life.

2) About Criticism

“Take the stones people throw at you and use them to create a monument.”

In life, there'll be thousands of individuals who may attempt to pull you down. The stones people throw at you'll be wont to hurt you and bury you alive or they will be wont to build monuments. You can't stop people from throwing stones at you, but you'll definitely choose what you're getting to do with those stones.

3) About Talent

“All folks don't have equal talents. Yet, all folks have a civil right to develop our talents.”

You may not have an equivalent talent as others, but you actually have an equivalent opportunities. Use every opportunity in life to develop your talents and use these talents to create your life.

4) About Teamwork

“If you would like to steer fast, walk alone. If you would like to steer far, walk together.”

You may go faster alone, but remember, if you would like to sustain within the end of the day, you would like to possess a team to back you up. The energy which comes from working well with a team creates something beautiful for each member of the team. Working with a team also can get you better results than you'll get alone.

5) About The Hurdles in Life

“Ups and downs in life are vital to stay us going, because a line even in an E.C.G. means we aren't alive.”

Highs and lows, good times and bad times are all a neighborhood of life. Adversities assist you grow as an individual and teach you valuable lessons which may assist you later in life. Without the lows, you can't appreciate the highs.

If you're feeling stuck or having a troublesome day at work, these quotes by Ratan Tata may offer you the inspiration that you're looking.

Comment and allow us to know which one among these is your favourite quote.

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