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Paragraph on Responsibility


Answer the subsequent inquiries to make it endless paragraph on responsibility. Your answers should give the maximum amount detail as possible:

(a)  What's responsibility?
(b) What's your responsibility to our parents?
(c) What's your responsibility to the society and country?
(d) What's the advantage of it?
(e) How are you able to achieve this noble quality?

Paragraph on Responsibility: A responsibility may be a duty or obligation of a person to try to something or to not do something. Because the inhabitants of a society, we all have some particular responsibilities. We’ve to point out our responsibilities to the family, society, country then on.

Paragraph on Responsibility

Our parents have brought us to the present world and nourished us. As grateful children, we must look out of our parents in their adulthood. We should always not do anything that pains them. We even have responsibilities to the opposite members of the family. As students, we should always attend school regularly and hear our teachers. We should always also avoid doing anything which will disturb our classmates and teachers. Because the members of a society, we've to point out our responsibilities to the people around us.

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