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Paragraph on Global Warming

Paragraph on Global Warming

The term ‘Global Warming’ refers to the increase within the temperature of earth. Nowadays heating has made the environmentalists believe the dreadful consequences. It’s become a threat to all or any living beings on earth. Heating is thanks to atmospheric phenomenon. Atmospheric phenomenon is that the gradual warming of the air due to heat being trapped on earth. Environmental pollution is especially liable for atmospheric phenomenon. We are destroying our tropical rain-forests, growing industries and mills-factories, using CFC gas. Thus, we are polluting our surroundings. By the destruction and burning down our forests, the amounts of CO2 are increasing. The increased amounts of CO2 round the earth have made a layer in space. The sun rays are coming through the layer but the warmth cannot undergo that layer. This is often why, the warmth is being trapped on earth and making our globe warmer.

As a result, the temperature of the planet is increasing day by day. The weather pattern is changing. The alarming news is that the polar ice caps are melting and this might cause the flooding of giant areas of the world. Bangladesh cannot escape the paws of this enemy. The lower southern a part of the country may go under water at some point. Effective measures should be taken by the planet community to regulate heating. Emission of CO2 should be reduced. Deforestation must be stopped and more trees should be planted. Above all, people should remember of preventing the pollution of the environment.

Paragraph on Global Warming
Paragraph on Global Warming

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