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Paragraph on Mobile Phone

Paragraph on Mobile Phone:

A mobile phone may be a telephone which doesn't have any wire. It works through radio system. It are often carried and used anywhere. Nowadays, a cable connection isn't needed to converse with others. It’s mobile through which we will contact with our friends and relatives. There are various sorts of mobile. A number of them cover wide selection and a few of them are short ranged.

Mobile phone is now available throughout our country. The mobile companies in our country are Grameenphone, Banglalink, Robi and Teletalk. Very recently, Airtel has merged with Robi. Mobile has become’ a neighborhood and parcel of one’s life. None can go each day without it. People of all classes and sectors use it. Its price isn't high. For fast communication, mobile is matchlessly beneficial to us. However, it's also some demerits. Children are being hooked in to it. It’s an excellent loss of cash of their guardians and an excellent blow to their future. So, we should always use mobile consistent with necessity.

Paragraph on Mobile Phone
Paragraph on Mobile Phone

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