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Write a Paragraph on Price Hike

Write a Paragraph on Price Hike

Write a paragraph about ‘Price Hike‘ by answering the questions below.

a) What does one mean by price hike?
b) Why does it happen?
c) How do the folk react?
d) Are there any particular reasons behind this price hike?
e) What should the govt. do?
f) How do people suffer when price of daily necessities goes beyond their income?
g) What's the condition of price hike in Bangladesh?
h) What are the adverse effects of price hike?
i) How can businessmen help to fight it?
j) How can it's removed?
k) Who and What are liable for price hike?
l) How can price hike be checked?

Price Hike Paragraph:

Price hike means an outsized increase in prices of daily necessaries. Now-a-days, the costs of daily necessaries are rising in no time. There are some particular reasons behind this price hike. Sudden scarcity of supply of commodities and money inflation are mainly liable for this. Many dishonest people store essential commodities with a view to earning huge profit. This causes a sudden decrease in supply within the market.

On the opposite hand, money inflation causes an automatic rise within the price of products. Besides this, smuggling and black-marketing are noticeable causes for price-rise. Unusual price hike causes great problems to the people. People having lower income cannot buy their foods and clothing. They will not lead a sound life. This price hike actually paves the way for a wide-spread corruption and moral degradation within the society.

We can control price hike by taking some effective steps. Storing of Daily necessaries for a while to realize undue profit must be checked by introducing strict laws. Smugglers and black marketers should be punished severely. On the opposite hand the govt. should have a robust financial policy to see money inflation. Only then we will hope for the higher future.

Write a Paragraph on Price Hike
Write a Paragraph on Price Hike

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