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Write a Paragraph on Food Adulteration

Write a Paragraph on Food Adulteration

Write a paragraph on Food Adulteration answering the subsequent questions. Your answer should give the maximum amount detail as possible.

(a) What's an adulterant?
(b) What's food adulteration?
(c) What's the rationale behind adulterating food?
(d) Who adulterates food?
(e) Which food are being adulterated?
(f) What's the effect of consuming adulterated food?
(g) What's the role of the govt. during this regard?

Food Adulteration Paragraph: Any ingredient or substance added to a food item so as to extend its quantity, preserve it for an extended time or make it appealing is named an adulterant. This act of addition of adulterants in food items is understood as food adulteration. The chief reason for the addition of those adulterants is to extend the margin of profit at the value of the health of the overall public or consumers. It’s an awful offence committed by the greedy businessmen. Even, in hotels and restaurants, stale and rotten food is mixed with fresh foods and served to the purchasers.

Fishes and vegetables are adulterated by applying chemicals and other preservatives so as to form them look fresh. In fact, all types of food and food articles are adulterated by dishonest and greedy businessmen for a fast and bigger profit. Adulterants reduce the standard of the food and damage the health of the consumers.

Regular consumption of adulterated food can cause vital health problems. Different reports show that adulterated food are causing serious diseases including diarrhea, dysentery, diabetes, cancer, attack , brain stroke, etc. around the year. The govt. has set mobile courts to detect and punish the dishonest people. Although such steps are taken to stop food adulteration, these aren't sufficient in the least.

Write a Paragraph on Food Adulteration
Write a Paragraph on Food Adulteration
In fact, it's impossible for the govt. to unravel food adulteration problem on their lonesome. Public awareness should be created in order that people stop buying adulterated food and food articles. We should always raise our voice against food adulteration and stop it in order that this and therefore the future generation may remain safe and sound.

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